Category Archives: Yin-Yang

Fengshui of love

Yin and Yang: Love Between Men And Women

Love between men and women is just one of the forms taken by the relationship of Yin and Yang.

Since Yin and Yang exist in everything in the universe, the Feng Shui point of view sees Yin-Yang relationships as occurring not just among human beings, or among animals, or even only among living beings, but among all entities, at every level.

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Dr Hsu on Yin-Yang of a house, bedroom, land

Master Hsu explains what is Yin and Yang of a cottage and two-storey house:

Master Hsu about bedroom:

Dr Hsu says how to place a bed:

How to locate garage and watercloser on a land:

Feng Shui and the Coronavirus Pandemic

Many Blue Mountain feng shui students in different parts of the world are asking me “how do we see and handle the coronavirus pandemic from a feng shui perspective?” I was surprised at the question, as feng shui is about living environment design. It is about life design and has no obvious connection to this pandemic.

However, since the fundamental feng shui principle is based on natural principles — natural laws, the highest guidance for human living, then maybe we can try to see the pandemic from a natural law perspective.

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Feng Shui Can Change

Dr Hsu Feng Shui Talk
#35: Feng Shui Can Change

In the 90’s of the last century, I was invited to participate in a conference about water (Water Symposium). Some 50 experts and researchers were invited from around the world, and the discussion was based around, “What is good water?”, and “The Energy of Water”.

Each presenter was allowed forty minutes to present. My theme was Form Energy. Actually, this had nothing to do with water, but the organizer insisted that my topic was new and exciting, and wanted me to share it with the other scientists and researchers.

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Reading Tai Chi Diagram

Dr Hsu Feng Shui Talk
#32: Reading the Taiji Diagram

The Taiji diagram is one of the most popular and best-recognized emblems in the world. It is the symbol of Taoism and is broadly used in Qigong, martial arts, Chinese medicine, astrology, and fortune-telling. The Korean and Mongolian national flags both include this diagram, and it has been used in many other places.
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Dr Hsu Fengshui talk 31 Fengshui of body

Dr Hsu Feng Shui Talk
#31: The Ideal House – From Nature’s Point of View

In our previous posting, we mentioned the Four Features: Dragon (mountain), Guardian Hill (small hill), Energy Spot (flat area), and Water (river, lake, ocean).

Feng Shui studies the quantity, quality and coordination of these four features. A good house should have these four features in ideal form and structure.
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Dr Hsu Fengshui talk 30

Dr Hsu Feng Shui Talk
#30: Men Need Space, Women Need Time

Among human relationships, the most important are those between man and woman – no matter whether between lovers, husband and wife, or friends.

We have talked about how Feng Shui affects human relationships. But the relationships between husband and wife living under one roof is only a small aspect of man-woman relationships.
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Dr Hsu Fengshui talk 29

Dr Hsu Feng Shui Talk
#29: How Feng Shui Relates to Power and Wealth

In Feng Shui, there is an old saying,
“Mountains affect the children, Water affects fortunes.”

In ancient times in China, when a family had many sons, the family became stronger. So, Mountain represents power, while Water represents wealth.

How true is this? Let’s take a look at the world.
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Dr Hsu Fengshui talk 24

Dr Hsu Feng Shui Talk
#24: Feng Shui of a High Rise

The Feng Shui of a high-rise apartment building is also defined by the classical Four Features Model but from a slightly different perspective.

In an urban setting, for a building to have good Chi-Energy, it is necessary for all Four Features to be present. However, in this situation the buildings in the city substitute the natural landscape and function as landforms, representing the metaphors for Mountain and Guardians.
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