Feng Shui course

Feng Shui Certification: Fundamentals Course #1 recordings

Unlock the Secrets of Harmonious Living: Enroll in Our Feng Shui Fundamentals Course Today!

Are you ready to transform your living space, boost your personal well-being, and cultivate a harmonious environment that supports your goals and dreams? We announce the launch of our new video recordings for the Feng Shui Certification – Fundamentals Course #1.

This is your golden opportunity to dive into the ancient art of Feng Shui and lay the foundation for a rewarding journey towards balance and prosperity.

How to Purchase the Feng Shui Fundamentals Course #1 Video Recordings

Our Feng Shui Fundamentals Course #1 comprises 10 in-depth lectures, totaling over 6.5 hours of valuable content. Each lecture is priced at $40, making the complete course available for $400.

To order the video recordings, please send an email to: fengshuibluemountain [at] gmail.com

After you place your order via email, we will provide you with our PayPal and bank account details for payment. Once the payment is confirmed, we will send you the link to access the video recordings.


Why Choose Feng Shui Fundamentals #1?

Feng Shui Fundamentals #1 is not just a course; it’s the gateway to a transformative experience that will empower you to create spaces that enhance every aspect of your life.

This course is the first in our comprehensive three-part certification program, which also includes Interior Space Design #2 and Business and Office Design #3. Whether you are a beginner or looking to deepen your knowledge, this course is your starting point for mastering Feng Shui.

Feng Shui course

What You Will Learn

In Feng Shui Fundamentals #1, you will embark on an enlightening journey through the core principles of traditional Feng Shui. Our expertly crafted video recordings will guide you through:

– The Fundamentals of Feng Shui: Understand the basic concepts, history, and philosophy behind Feng Shui. Learn about the Five Elements, Yin and Yang, and the Bagua map, and how these elements interact to influence your environment.

– Application to Exterior and Interior Layouts: Discover how to assess and harmonize the energy flow in your home or workplace. Learn to identify and mitigate negative influences while enhancing positive energy to create a balanced and supportive environment.

– Landscape Architecture: Gain insights into designing outdoor spaces that align with Feng Shui principles. Learn how to use natural elements to create a serene and auspicious landscape.

– Business Environments: Explore the application of Feng Shui in business settings. Understand how to design offices and commercial spaces that promote productivity, prosperity, and positive relationships.


Benefits of Enrolling

By enrolling in Feng Shui Fundamentals #1, you will gain:

– Comprehensive Knowledge: Our course provides a thorough understanding of Feng Shui, ensuring you are well-prepared to apply these principles in various contexts.

– Practical Skills: With our detailed video recordings, you can learn at your own pace, revisit complex topics, and practice applying Feng Shui techniques in real-world scenarios.

– Professional Certification: Upon completion, you will be one step closer to achieving your full Feng Shui certification, opening doors to new career opportunities and personal growth.

– Enhanced Well-being: Implementing Feng Shui principles can lead to improved health, wealth, and overall happiness for you and those around you.

Video Feng Shui

Enroll Now and Transform Your Life

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to learn from the best and bring harmony into your life. Purchase our new video recordings of the Feng Shui Certification – Fundamentals Course #1 today and take the first step towards becoming a certified Feng Shui practitioner.

Join us on this journey to unlock the secrets of harmonious living. Embrace the power of Feng Shui and start creating spaces that nurture and inspire.

“The professional approach of Taras Lytvyn to presenting the material and structuring the lectures into blocks, rather than dumping all the information into one pot, is, in my opinion, a very valuable characteristic of a truly knowledgeable expert and skilled teacher. I am very grateful for such work and hope to deepen my knowledge in this area for further professional development.

I wish everyone success, deepening of knowledge, and abilities in the field of spiritual knowledge about the Laws of the Universe.”

– Vladyslav Smirkin, enterpreneur

In this over 6,5-hours Feng Shui Fundamentals Course #1 you will learn about:

  • Feng Shui principles (Traditional Authentic Scientific Feng Shui)
  • How to apply Feng Shui principles to daily life, design and architecture
  • How to correct “bad” energy
  • How to enhance “good” energy
  • Taras Lytvyn has 23 years of experience in this field and some topics may be addressed spontaneously based on the needs of the students.

This Certification course provides special attention to each individual student. Hence, during live sessions, students’ microphones are open and there is a direct interaction between students and Taras Lytvyn so that he is able to answer all questions.


“On the first lecture I realized that it was truly a treasure trove of knowledge. Many things from the course I began to compare with the philosophy and practice of ikebana art – they were identical, echoed each other, as if complementing one another. Because true knowledge never changes its essence but finds embodiment in various spheres of our life.

Each lecture by Mr. Lytvyn concerns not only interior and home, but also the organization of space and the energies of life as a whole. Thank you for the course, I continue learning.”

– Nate Shcherban, Designer, Teacher


LEVEL 1: Feng Shui Certification Online: Fundamentals Course #1

  1. Form School Feng Shui I. Forms Defines Energy
  2. Form School Feng Shui II. Forms Defines Energy
  3. Yin-Yang Theory I. The Fundamental of Natural Law
  4. Yin-Yang Theory II. The Fundamental of Natural Law
  5. Four Features I
  6. Four Features II
  7. Arrangement of Space I
  8. Arrangement of Space II
  9. Plot of Land I
  10. Plot of Land II

“I sincerely thank you for organizing this course on Traditional Feng Shui. Firstly, the awareness of the energy-informational impact of the environment on the body is very relevant for every person. In my work, I observe how important it is for maintaining health, for the recovery of the sick to have a favorable environment. Secondly, “traditional.” For me, this means “the source.” Something that can be trusted.

Thirdly, the selection of illustrations, the presentation of material are optimal for me. Fourthly, the lectures are informative, and the knowledge gained can be immediately applied.

Your lectures are really relevant. You explain the material clearly. And there is a direct practical outcome from each lecture. Thank you. And I am pleased that the main tool for Feng Shui is intuition. Just like in the art of healing.”

– Olexandr Holovchansky, Doctor


Order the Fundamentals Course #1: fengshuibluemountain@gmail.com

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